Friday, February 03, 2012

Day 6 – What do you do in your free time?

With this question, there is an implication that I have free time.  I find that amusing.

My schedule:

work - 8am-5pm (home around 6pm)
supper and relax - 6-7pm
personal Bible study - 7-8pm
shower, get ready for bed - 8-9pm
in bed - somewhere between 9-10pm

work - 8am-5pm (home around 6pm)
supper and relax - 6-7pm
personal Bible study - 7-8pm
shower, get ready for bed - 8-9pm
in bed - somewhere between 9-10pm

work - 8am-5pm (home around 6pm)
supper and shower - 6-7pm
Bible meeting - 7-10pm
in bed - ASAP

work - 8am-5pm (home around 6pm)
hike at campus lake - 5:30-6:30pm (home around 7pm)
supper and personal Bible study - 7-8pm
shower, get ready for bed - 8-9pm
in bed - somewhere between 9-10pm

work - 8am-5pm
gym workout - 5:30-6:30pm (home around 7pm)
suuper - 7pm
personal Bible study - 7:30-8:30pm
shower, get ready for bed - by 10pm

public ministry/field service - 9am-12noon

Bible meeting - 9:30am-12noon

For the next two months, I also have either an extra gym workout, or a fitness class, one other evening a week.  After that program ends, photography school starts up again, and I'll be in class every Tuesday evening from 6-8pm, probably until August, when I graduate.

In March and August, I spend most weekend at photo shoots.  There are other occasional and random shoots thrown in throughout the year, as well.

Now for the fun stuff:
Atleast once a month, I spend a weekend in South Carolina with my Bug and his family.  I occasionally visit separately to do some hiking or scuba diving at one of the lakes/state parks in SC.

I make approximately 3 trips to Florida each year to visit family (and Walt Disney World).  I try to attend several college and/or professional sporting events each year.  This year, I'll be spending a weekend in Birmingham, AL, at an Indy car race.  I love to hike and swim, and do both whenever I can find the time (swimming happens rather frequently in the warmer weather, when it's not dark when I get home from work).  I enjoy reading, blogging, playing my trumpet, and do them as often as possible.  I play a lot of Words With Friends.

In all honestly, I'm pretty boring.

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