I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is a recognized religion, but most importantly, it is a way of life. I believe that it is only through his sacrifice that Jehovah God will include me in his future blessings. But it is more than accepting that Jesus died for my sins. It is living my life in recognition of that sacrifice. I don't always do a good job of it, but I try to live my life in imitation of Jesus Christ.
I was raised in a family of Witnesses, but I really didn't take religion (any religion) seriously until I was in my 20s. There were always the rules and morals and principles that I largely ignored (I dated a Marine - I can swear with the best of them), but there were also those that I was loath to break (drugs and sex). I really pushed the envelope sometimes, and yet I never truly crossed lines.
I continue, everyday, to struggle with honesty, respect, anger and self-control. I wish I was more loving, more generous, peacable, instead of being selfish and angry and picky. I suffer from depression and anxiety, and often find myself doubting God's ability to help me - or more, my ability to trust that God knows best, and to rely wholly on Him.
But on the good days, I know that I couldn't ask for anything more than what I have. I have the chance to continue to grow in love and knowledge for my heavenly Father, with the constant reminder that if He hadn't called me to Him, I wouldn't be where I am spiritually.
And if Jehovah God see something good in me, maybe I should try to see it myself.
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