Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 4 of 30 - My parents

My parents have always been my rocks.
My father was born and raised in Indianapolis, IN.  He was an avid sports fan, and played golf, baseball and basketball, and loved to bowl.  Some of my early memories involve me sitting in a both at the local bowling alley while my dad competed with his league of US Postal employees.
I got my love of sports, specifically basketball, from my dad.  I also got my love of travelling from him.  Like Dad, I've always got my next few trips planned, and I'm rarely at home when I can be on the road.
My mom was born in St. Petersburg, FL, and raised in Whiteland, IN, just outside of Indianapolis.  She was a fairly typical girl of the 40s and 50s, in that she learned early how to cook and clean for a large family, how to sew, and how to crochet, and always knew that she was to be a wife and mother.  She tried to pass that on to me.  It didn't take
My parents met in Whiteland, IN, when my mom was 15 and my dad was 17.  They were 16 and 18 when they got married in 1960.  They had 5 children (1961, 1963, 1965-46 years old today!, 1978 and 1980).  During their marriage, they lived in Pennsylvania, Indiana, Florida and Georgia.
Among most of my school friends, I was the odd one out.  I still had both my parents, TOGETHER, STILL MARRIED, in the same house with me.  Shocker!  Sure, they had their issues, their fights.  But they always worked through them, and I never questioned their love for me, or their love for each other.
Throughout the years, my dad worked as a breadman, a cookieman, a US Postal worker, and various other route work.  My mother worked in daycare, at the local elementary school, with my father one various routes, as operator/owner of her owning sewing business, and more recently, as seamstress and customer service assistant at a dry cleaning business.
I was always a daddy's girl, but as I've gotten older, I've developed a very close relationship with my mother.  I find it interesting that I feel I need my mommy more as an adult than I ever did as a child.  Maybe that's because I was such a daddy's girl.
On July 25, 2005, my father suffered a massive heart attack and passed away.  He was a month shy of his 63rd birthday, and 3.5 months short of his 45th wedding anniversary.
My mother continues to amaze me with her strength and fortitude.

back row (L-R): David, Jr., Leonard, me, Gerald
front row (L-R): Daddy, Mama, Carol

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 3 of 30 - First Love

Again, a day late...but it's only Day 3.  Habits take awhile to form.

So, my first love.
Wow, a tough one.
In general, my first love would obviously be my family.  I was especially close to my dad, Carol and Leonard growing up.  I also loved my PawPaw and Robin, though I don't really remember them in detail.  Jeremiah and Jonathan F, Michael and David, and the other Michael are friends from my early childhood that have always held a very special place in my heart.  Those could also be considered first loves.

Romantically, it becomes a question that is more difficult to answer.  I had interests throughout the years.  DFF, Kelly, Will R, Ben, Jonathan W, Hot Rod, Will F.  Nothing serious, more fun than anything.  JP started out as a friend (in fact, I couldn't figure out why anyone would actually be interested in him, b/c I was absolutely NOT attracted).  But we gradually grew closer, and before I knew it, I loved him.  I honestly don't know if I was IN love, b/c I always knew that nothing would ever come of our relationship.  He wasn't ever going to make certain changes, and I wasn't going to promise my life to someone who couldn't make those changes.  But I loved him, and therefore, he had the power to break my heart.  Which he did.

It wasn't until I was in my 20's that I actually started thinking seriously about marriage.  I want to get married - if I meet the right person.  If not, I'm content to stay single.  I've only met two men in the past 10 years that actual registered on my radar as a man that I could see in my future.  The first was ZTN.  Things didn't develop with him, but we are friends.

The second man is JD.  He is one of my best friends, and my relationship with him has really cemented my idea of what I want in a spiritual husband, especially as I watched him embark on his own courtship, and more recently, celebrate his first anniversary with his wife. 

So, in my mind, those two together are what I consider my first love.  I was never in love with either one, not even close.  But as our relationship changed, grew, backpedaled, altered, and ultimately strengthened, I was given the opportunity to develop within myself a blueprint for the type of man I want, and therefore, the type of person I need to be in order to have that man.

Of course, I feel like I have to send a shout out to the person that I consider to be absolutely the best-looking, hottest person I've ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on.

 Oh, Luke.......

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 2 of 30 - Meaning behind my blog name

Yes, I realize that Day 2 was supposed to be yesterday, but we had a little power outage result from the crazy storms that came through.  So, we're a day delayed.  Deal with it.

Well, first of all, the original name for this blog was Tequila on Ice (which explains why the URL is  I love tequila.  I also love beer, but Beer on Ice just didn't have the same ring to it.

I was thinking one day about what kind of blog I wanted this to be, and I realized that I wanted it to be about me.  Yes, I will talk about beer and tequila at some point.  But ultimately, the only theme to this blog is me.  What I'm doing, what I want to do, things I'm dealing with, things that make me laugh/cry/angry/bitter/jealous, etc.  So, what would represent my dreams and hopes and life better than Tequila on Ice?  And so I thought some more......

And I remembered some really awesome movie lines about alcohol.

"I don't care how liberated this world becomes - a man will always be judged by the amount of alcohol he can consume - and a woman will be impressed, whether she likes it or not."

"I am the last barman poet / I see America drinking the fabulous cocktails I make / Americans getting stinky on something I stir or shake / The sex on the beach / The schnapps made from peach / The velvet hammer / The Alabama slammer. / I make things with juice and froth / The pink squirrel / The three-toed sloth. / I make drinks so sweet and snazzy / The iced tea / The kamakazi / The orgasm / The death spasm / The Singapore sling / The dingaling. / America you've just been devoted to every flavor I got / But if you want to got loaded / Why don't you just order a shot? / Bar is open."

And one can never forget:
"Coughlin's diet: cocktails and dreams."

Yes, I am a fan of the 1980s Tom Cruise.
Let there be, forever, cocktails and dreams.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 1 of 30 - Introduction, picture, and 15 facts

Hi, I'm Laura.  I am not an alcoholic, drug addict, or Gulf War vet.  However, I probably DO need a 12-step program of some kind, for something.
Let's see....brown hair, brown eyes, average height of 5'6", above-average IQ (or was that number my weight?).  Live in a family commune (you think I'm joking), with 3 of my siblings within walking distance.  Work for the biggest rival of my all-time favorite college team.

Mama, Coach Vince Dooley, and me

1. Broke my first bone in May 2009, at the age of 31 - and the blasted thing STILL hurts!
2. When I started driving, I swore that the two places I'd never drive near were the mall and a college campus.  I was a retail manager for 5 years.  I've now worked for a large public university for more than 4 years.  Never say never!
3. I LOVE chicken.  All shapes, sizes, colors and flavors.
4. I am a certified open water diver.
5. I am a HUGE Atlanta Braves fan.
6. When my brother and I were younger, we'd travel to Panama City Beach with our parents every year.  Every year, we'd make up our PCB Vacation Book, with pages for what needed to be packed, what we planned on doing, where we planned on eating, etc.  G and I have recently been planning a trip to Washington, DC, and in the discussion, we discovered that to this day, when we plan trips, we both still make vacation books to assist us.  I guess old habits die hard.
7. I play the trumpet.  And the french horn.  And the guitar.  And, sort of, the piano.  I can play ON violin, cello, saxophone, bass guitar, flute, drums.
8. I have been to 45 of the 50 US states.
9. My three favorite things to do outside are geocache, hike and swim.
10. I am in love with someone named Bug.
11. I've never wanted kids of my own, but I'm often happiest when I have a baby in my arms.
12. Disney trivia - that is my forte!
13. I plan on moving to South Carolina at the earliest possible convenience.
14. I really want to move to Florida, but I will NOT move that far away from Bug.
15. DOLEWHIP!  It's not a dessert.  It's an obsession.

The 30-day challenge

I know, I know.  It's been done before, by a good portion of people who blog.  But I've been enjoying reading the posts of a friend who is doing her own 30-day journey, and I couldn't help thinking that this might get me into the blogging habit.  So, here I go.....

The 30-day challenge is just what it sounds like.  A personal (and public) challenge to blog consistently for 30 days.  The subjects are provided (if you're interested, just Google "30-day blog challenge" and you'll find LOTS of different ones).  All I have to do is blog.  I think this will be fun.  I enjoy blogging....when I have something to write about.  Most of the time, my life is not interesting enough.  This, I believe, will help.

Day 1: Introduction, recent picture of yourself, 15 interesting facts about you
Day 2: Meaning behind your blog name
Day 3: Your first love
Day 4: Your parents
Day 5: A song to match your mood
Day 6: A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 7: Favorite movies
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
Day 9: A favorite picture of your best friend
Day 10: Something you're afraid of
Day 11: Favorite TV show
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: Goals
Day 14: A picture of you last year - how have you changed?
Day 15: Bible verse
Day 16: Dream house
Day 17: Something you're looking forward to
Day 18: Favorite place to eat
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite picture of yourself ALL TIME, and why?
Day 22: What's in your purse?
Day 23: Favorite movie
Day 24: Something you've learned
Day 25: Pur your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs
Day 26: Your dream wedding
Day 27: Original photo of the city you live in
Day 28: Something that stresses you out
Day 29: 3 wishes
Day 30: a picture of yourself this day, and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

I'm In Love. For Real.

Yes, I am.  I am in LOVE.

Just look at his little smile.  And then there's the look of a little brother who knows that one day, he'll probably be bigger than the big brother.  And payback's hell.


But as adorable as the tiny one is, my heart belongs to the big brother.  I love you, Bug!

Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Starts Off With A Bang!

One of the best things about working where I do is the fact that every December, I get an extended paid break.  Essentially, it's a 4th week of vacation every year.  For 2010-2011, our offices closed at 5pm on Dec 24, and reopened at 8am on Jan 4.  Ten glorious days away from the office.  Plenty of time to start my new year off the way it needs to start.  Right?  RIGHT?


Vacation Day 1 - it SNOWS!  Wow, second good snow in the same calendar year.  This is definitely something I could get used to.

Vacation Day 2 - as the sky continues to drop cold, white flakes, the pump in my well decides that it wants to take a vacation, as well.  A permanent one.  My brothers spend the ENTIRE day working on it.  My house has water again sometime after 4pm.

Vacation Day 3 - brave a trip into Athens.  The drive is beautiful.  Snow is still everywhere, but roads are clear.  Spend a fun afternoon with friends, watching "Secretariat."  Later on, spend $50 at Beef O'Brady's, just chatting with my little brother and watching the Falcons kick butt.

Vacation Day 4 - the "not feeling quite right" feeling that was nagging me the day before has turned into a cold.

Vacation Day 5 - headache, sniffles, sneezes, and I'm very tired.

Vacation Day 6 - I wake up with a sore throat to add to the growing list of ailments.  I begin coughing up the first lung.  I think it's the left one.

Vacation Day 7 - it's New Year's Eve.  The entire family is coming over.  Way too much stuff to do.  I try to sleep late, but I can't breathe, so I just get up.  Take my sis and nephew into Athens for errands.  Five hours later, we've completed trips to the Barn (highlight of the day.  I bought tequila), Kroger (other highlight of the day.  I had sushi and Starbucks.  It's a winning combination), the bank, Panera Bread Co., Publix, Gamestop and Radio Shack.  My sister makes a stop at Chick-Fil-A, where I soon learn that piping hot chicken strips and BBQ sauce are not medicine for a sore throat.  We get home just after the UGA game starts, so I prop myself in front of the TV, and try not to die.  By the time dinner is served, I'm couging up my right lung.  My head is the size of one of those baloons from the Macy's parade.  My throat is are roaring blaze, but it's New Year's Eve, and that means that my favorite nachos are on the menu.  I'm living on sweet tea, hot tea, cough drops, and a box of Puffs w/Vicks.  I stay up watching football and Dick Clark's Rockin' Eve until about 1:30am.  Then I crash.

Vacation Day 8 - I wake up early, since the traditional New Year's Day breakfast is Panera bagels, egg casserole, and mimosas.  This year, we also had Hammers (tequila and OJ) for breakfast.  The OJ in the Hammers and mimosas hurts my throat, but it's New Year's.  And it's alcohol.  Halfway through the Rose Parade, I realize that I had not yet completed coughing up my lungs, so I work on the task some more.  Once the football games start, I relax in the recliner with a cat or two, and try to doze during the various halftimes.  More people come over, and this time, I stay up until 1:30am playing Boggle and Scattergories.  I can't sleep.  I get about 3 hours non-rest.

Vacation Day 9 - I spend the entire day in the recliner, surrounded by my medicinal arsenal:  peppermints (I've had so many cough drops, I'm developing ulcers in my mouth), mint tea (hot), sweet tea (cold), Puffs, or cat or three this time, and a stack of unread books to help pass the miserable hours.  I get about another 3 hours of non-rest.

Vacation Day 10 - repeat of Day 9, except that I finally fall asleep in the middle of the day.  Friends promptly come over and wake me up to show me that they've found yet another litter of kittens (this is another story for another time, but just know that I have a slut cat) out by my shed.  I am unable to go back to sleep.

Vacation Day 11 - oh, wait.  This isn't a vacation day.  I'm back at work.  I couldn't tell you what happened at the office if my life depended on it.  Thank God, after a long day, I go home and crash, finally sleeping.  I'm starting to breath again.

The remainder of the work week went by slowly, and consisted of my working from 8am-5pm, coming home, and crawling under the covers.  By Friday, I was starting to feel human again, and looking forward to a weekend of nothing but blissful rest.

On Sunday,  it snowed. The state practically shut down, and the University smartly kept its offices closed.  I didn't have to go back to work until Friday.  Call it a miracle.  Call it crazy GA weather.  I don't really care.  I finally got to enjoy some days off of work!