Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 24 of 30 - Something You've Learned

In 33 years on this earth, you'd think that I would have learned more lessons than I have, but sadly, this is not the case.  Too many times, I've let lessons and knowledge pass by the wayside, never to enter my thoughts again - or only to come back to me too late to do any good.  However, of the things I HAVE learned, certain ones stand out.

I've learned that I do a poor job of imitating my Savior, Christ Jesus.  On the flipside, I've also learned that God makes provisions for that, so my poor imitation is no reason to quit trying.  I hope to continue learning both of these lessons, on a daily basis, as long as Jehovah allows this system to continue.  The day I stop is the day someone needs to shoot me.

I've learned that growing old doesn't mean you've grown up.  Spend some time people watching.  You'll agree.

I've learned that a group's mentality is almost always led by the person with the WORST ideas.  Just turn on the news.  You'll probably agree with this, as well.  Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers.

I've learned that I really need to take things a day at a time.  First, goals are achieved slowly.  You can't win a marathon without taking the first step.  Second, the older I get, the faster time seems to fly.  Stop and take a picture of the rose today.  Tomorrow, it'll be past the blooming stage.

I've learned that the phrase "I'm sorry" as just as important in a relationship as the phrase "I love you."  Those two phrases can also be the most overused.  Take care when and how you use them.

I've learned that I can face my fears.  I've learned that I can conquer my fears.  But most importantly, I've learned that facing fears and conquering fears are not the same thing.  All fears can be faced.  Not all fears can be conquered.  Not as long as we live in this imperfect world.

I've learned that I'm selfish.  I've learned that I have a temper.  I've learned that I don't handle tooth/jaw pain very well.

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