So, if we're going to be friends, I feel I should let you know that there are just a few things in this life that I absolutely CANNOT stand. If this relationship is going to work, these things need to be out in the open.
I'm a pretty easygoing girl. In fact, you'll soon come to believe that I'm a lot more easygoing than I know I really am. I won't do much to change your way of thinking. I kinda like knowing that the real me is hidden. There are very few people in this world who get past my armor (read: walls), and I intend for it to stay that way. But even in the most superficial of relationships, there are a few things that are best learned soon, so in the name of fairness, here are my biggest pet peeves. Consider this your warning.
1. drama - as in "so she said" and "then he did" and....etc., etc. I've been to high school. I graduated from high school. I had my own drama then, and thank God, I left it behind. Trust me. What "she" said and "he" did really isn't important. And years from now, when you run into that person in Vegas, you probably won't even remember who they are, or why you cared in the first place. And if by some change you DO remember them, if you let go of the drama, you just might discover that they are some of the best friends you will ever have. TRUST ME!!!!! Oh, and if you're out of school, and have been for awhile, then you really need to move on. Grow up, grow a pair, do something. But please, just let it go!
2. drunks - we just discussed drama. Drunkenness just perpetuates drama. Have a drink, have a few. But know when to stop. This comes from someone who knows alcoholics, and from someone who once drowned her grief in LOTS of tequila...and vodka...and beer. Don't get me wrong. I still like my tequila and my beer (seriously, did you notice the name and address of this blog?), but I don't live in it, and I'll be be damned if I die in it. If you come to a gathering of mine, and I think you're pushing the limit, I WILL cut you off.
3. people who steal my beer - I'm riding this one for as long as I can. You know who you are. Yes, you. That's right. MY BEER!!! NO TOUCHY!!!!!
4. IM language - I hate to break it to you, but u r not 4 me. You never will be, until you learn English. So, if you need a little dictionary to help you get started, here you go:
l8r - later
boi - boy
4ever - forever
There are many more where those came from, but I'm sure you get the picture. If you're going to write, do it correctly.
5. people who call my cell phone and don't leave a message - FYI, I don't check missed calls. If you call me, and you don't leave a message, assume I have no idea that you even exist. If you want me to call you back, leave your name, the time you called, and a DETAILED message (unless you just called to that case, just tell me that). If you haven't given me your number, or if you're at a different number than normal, give me the number. If you follow the above instructions, you can plan on getting a return phone call. But be warned that I don't like to chat for long.
6. people who change plans without telling me - this isn't so much a pet peeve as it is something you need to understand about me. I suffer from a mild form of social phobia, and from a severe anxiety disorder. My life requires set plans. I have to plan things weeks, sometimes months, in advance, just so that I can prepare myself to do it. The littlest change can throw a wrench in the works, and send me into a panic attack. The littlest thing to you is a mountain I must try to scale. Sometimes I can do it. Sometimes I can't. I do my best, and I'm as disappointed as you, maybe even more so, when I can't. When the anxiety kicks in, the depression quickly follows. Please bear with me. I've come a long way in the past few years. Many people don't even know that I suffer from any of these disorders. That can be a blessing, but it can also be a curse. Please bear with me, and understand that this is not about me wanting things my way. It is about an inbred inability to adjust to change, no matter how small. This disorder has affected jobs,'s screwed with many facets of my life. I can go months with no problems. This is not one of those months.
So, now that you know me, you can't wait for this relationship to grow, right? Don't worry, I don't much like me, either, not very much. I'm high maintenance, but not in the standard sense. I know it, and I try to be honest about it. I wish it were different. I try hard to be different. But ultimately, I remind myself that I am who I am, and that's what makes me who I am. For all the rough stuff, I believe the following balances it out: when I love, I love fully. If I call you my friend, know that you have a friend for life. If you hurt me, know I'll get over it quickly. If you've broken my heart (I can count that number on one hand, with fingers left over), take it as a compliment; you managed to break down my walls, and broken heart or not, if you're ever in need, you won't have to ask twice.